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2x10 Bonfire of the Vanity
lisetДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:04 | Сообщение # 46
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Нет, Серену не вышибет) Она будет в гордом одиночестве) Или пойдёт по стопам брата, но в другом направлени... о.0
Quote (Phoenix)
Серену надо с Руфусом свести)))

Вот Руфус будет рад! А Дена с Лили?)

PhoenixДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:05 | Сообщение # 47
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Quote (liset)
Вот Руфус будет рад! А Дена с Лили?)

Чёрт, почему мы не сценаристы)))

Save the drama for your mama.
inka-shullerДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:08 | Сообщение # 48
High Society
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Phoenix, хочешь сказать, Руфус еще тот садист?)..да он тоже из породы мазохистов - эти детки 9 лет колечки хранят, а он 20 лет вспоминает Лили)

xoxoAnnaBestДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:10 | Сообщение # 49
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Да и сериал тогда будет называться "Извращенцы" biggrin ......
PhoenixДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:10 | Сообщение # 50
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inka-shuller, Идеально)
*кажется мы переусердствовали с оффтопом*

Save the drama for your mama.
maxxieoliverДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:12 | Сообщение # 51
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Quote (inka-shuller)
он тоже из породы мазохистов

haha haha haha haha thumb

inka-shullerДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 17:18 | Сообщение # 52
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Quote (xoxoAnnaBest)
Да и сериал тогда будет называться "Извращенцы" ......

нет почему.."Сплетники" в другом городе))

lisetДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 18:07 | Сообщение # 53
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"Счастливы вместе". biggrin
Имена остальных не помню biggrin

xoxoAnnaBestДата: Воскресенье, 09.11.2008, 18:52 | Сообщение # 54
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liset, ))))) biggrin Классная идея
yanaДата: Понедельник, 10.11.2008, 23:16 | Сообщение # 55
Группа: Удаленные

Осторожно спойлеры!!!

Blair: Screw Grace Kelly. I need a scheme.
Dorota: Oh no...
Blair: That tiny man must have a secret I can exploit.

Dorota: You glow, Mrs. Waldorf. Like Chinese lantern.
Eleanor: It's love, Dorota.

Blair: How can you possibly love Cyrus? He's all the things you hate! He uses the wrong fork, he slurps his soup, he wears sport socks! He is short, and pushy! He's nothing like daddy.
Eleanor: Which is precisely why I like him. Harold was lovely in a million ways, but he had his secrets. Cyrus is someone I can trust... Before I go see Cyndi Lauper I have to get my hair done, pick up my dress at Barney's. Would you like to come with?
Blair: No! Thanks. But have fun.

Cyrus: Blair I would love to fill this whole penthouse with peonies for your birthday but will you allow me to purchase them from somewhere else, it's the principle of the thing!
Blair: I prefer to get my own peonies from my own florist, but thank you so much.

Blair: [to Cyrus] My mother's coming to my party.
Eleanor: What? You never want me at your parties.
Blair: This year's different! I'm 18 and it's a grown-up party. I emailed Dorota a new guest list. Parents are invited.
Cyrus: I'll return the tickets ...
Eleanor: Nonsense. Blair and I will celebrate her birthday on her REAL birthday next week. WE are going to see Cyndi Lauper!

Jenny: And yet another one bites the bust, Agnes. What is the matter with you?! This guy was our last chance!
Agnes: Okay he totally overreacted! We're artists! We need to work with somebody who's not gonna be freaked out by a little bit of passion.
Jenny: Passion. You know the heat from the fashion show's not gonna last that long ...
Agnes: Jenny, I will find us another business manager tomorrow.
Jenny: Good, because without one we can't meet with any buyers.
Agnes: It's all gonna work out, okay? I'm on it.

Agent: Who do you imagine your client will be?
Agnes: Girls like us-
Jenny: Sophisticated girls with a bit of edge, and who can afford a high-end product. I know these girls and their style because I'm their peer, and that's what makes me unique as a designer.

Agent: You girls have been getting a lot of press. You've got talent. Who's the designer?
Jenny: It's me.
Agnes: And I'm the face of the line, and brains of the operation.

Dan: I'm kinda over the writing thing, and I wanna see what else is out there. You're easily the most successful person I know so I figured, why not start at the top. You know, I was hoping I'd be able to shadow you for a few days a week after school.
Bart: I'm a busy man, Daniel, I don't think that's going to be possible.
Dan: Right, of course. I don't want to impose. It's just that ... you know, well, my dad, his world is pretty narrow. He may have had a hit song in the '90s but he didn't build half the Manhattan skyline.
Bart: Your father's a fine man, but I can see how you'd want something more. Why don't we start with two days a week?

Serena: Plenty of women have been both lover and muse to famous artists. Like Picasso.
Blair: Serena, a guy start's out in his blue period and everything's great. But it's only a matter of time until he's all into cubism and it's some other girl's eye coming out of her forehead.
Serena: Okay, I'm going to go.
Blair: Wait, what about the gnome? I have to take him down!

Blair: He's totally unsuitable.
Serena: Who?
Blair: Cyrus. He's five feet tall. He has a catchphrase. And he's a hugger. I was expecting Cary Grant and I got Danny DeVito!

Blair: Serena, I called you like 10 times last night! Where have you been?
Serena: I went to the dentist at lunch, and yesterday, I met Aaron in Times Square. B, it was the most romantic thing...
Blair: Who cares about plaque or pretentious artists when your best friend is having a meltdown!

lisetДата: Понедельник, 10.11.2008, 23:19 | Сообщение # 56
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Quote (OneSecret)
Serena: I went to the dentist at lunch, and yesterday, I met Aaron in Times Square. B, it was the most romantic thing...
Blair: Who cares about plaque or pretentious artists when your best friend is having a meltdown!

inka-shullerДата: Вторник, 11.11.2008, 01:06 | Сообщение # 57
High Society
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Quote (OneSecret)
I was expecting Cary Grant and I got Danny DeVito!

такова жизнь)

igogokaДата: Вторник, 11.11.2008, 01:18 | Сообщение # 58
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Дену нужно менятся,уже надоел его меланхоичный образ.Ему нужно быть мужиком и добиватся того что хочет.И не нада на все спрашивать у папы совета.Правда он не сможет соперничать с Чаком,но только если физически.
inka-shullerДата: Вторник, 11.11.2008, 02:57 | Сообщение # 59
High Society
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igogoka, вот он и не спрашивает..вернее, не следует им..гад...

maxxieoliverДата: Вторник, 11.11.2008, 08:45 | Сообщение # 60
High Society
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Quote (igogoka)
но только если физически

Да, физически он превосходит Чака!!!!
